صيدلية الاعشاب (طب العطارة ) في برنامج كومبيوتر

ده برنامج عن غالبية الاعشاب الطبية المعروفة و فوائدها و مكوناتها
الكميائية و اشكالها...
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البرنامج باللغة الانجليزية

For anyone looking to enhance their health, herbs are definitely worth
looking into. Over thousands of years herbs have been used as important
drugs and as simple medicinal remedies. Modern research has analyzed the
plants and established sound scientific basis of much herbal medicine.

Contents The Herbal Pharmacy has collected about 300 of the most widely
used herbs and listed their medical applications, along with:

Their common and alternate name
The family each herb belongs to
Parts of the herb used
Their properties
Internal applications, topical uses and topical applications
Culinary uses
Energetics (bitter, cool, dry)
Chemical constituents
Comments How Easy Is The Herbal Pharmacy To Install

Download: 27.84 MB
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